Next generation SDRs and
Pan Adapters
NOTE: Click on Support to download the Spectrum DSP Manual with full specification and connection details.
The Quantum SDR Project has one core aim: to develop exciting and novel radio technology that's more affordable for our members.
Small steps, first the Spectrum pan adapter with day-bright high resolution touch screens, HF-VHF all-modes receiver, digital modes WiFi and AI-based features such as a VUI (Voice User Interface)!
Next up, who knows, lets take it one step at a time!
The first product launched in June 2023 was the Quantum Spectrum DSP M2, an affordable touch display that offers advanced Digital Signal Processing for all radios new and classic, providing a full 192/138 KHz band view and Slip-tune™ independent tuning.
Combined with Deep learning AI, the newly designed M2+ and M3+ Spectrum DSP, launched in January 2024 converts any radio into a next generation radio system with independent tuning, 192 KHz DSP audio, search tools and voice interactivity*.
The new models are based on a powerful 1027 DMIPS (1 billion DSP instructions per second) processor (for comparison the Atmega 328 offers 20 DMIPS). The M3+ also offers a 5 inch day-bright XGA touch screen option, with the very latest capabilities including AI, IF/RF input, and wide-band radio receiver option. More information to follow!
You can now enjoy affordable and intelligent radios that can scan the bands, handle all the latest digital modes, identify stations and even eliminate local noise.
Visit the Gallery to see the Spectrum in action.
Please contact us by clicking Learn More.

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